Realiti Batu Bargolek
Aku lupa.
Selepas 4 tahun.
Hanya setahun lebih sahaja berjaya ditempuhi.
Puaskah dirimu?
Tidak bagiku.
Maafkan aku.
Kerana biarkannya pergi.
Mungkin untuk selamanya.
Ataupun sementara.
Aku tidak mampu.
Merobek kesucianmu.
Kerana aku tahu.
Bukan begitu mudah bagiku.
Untuk mendapatkan dirimu.
Kerana aku tahu.
Ianya bukan takdir.
Walaupun jodoh itu hodoh.
Aku terima.
Terima kasih kepada semua.
Yang menghargai segalanya.
Aku takkan lupa.
Kerana aku ingat.
Aku masih waras.
Dan masih simpan.
Semuanya itu.
Semoga kita bertemu lagi.
Di lain hari.
Maafkan aku.
Semalam Di Perantauan
Aku bodoh.
Aku hodoh.
Aku gembira.
Gelak ketawa.
Riang ria.
Yang pasti aku gembira.
Walaupun pahit.
Manisnya berpanjangan.
Sudah aku katakan.
Suatu hari nanti.
Kau bukan lagi seorang wanita.
Kesatlah air mata kau itu.
Sampai di sini sahaja.
Jangan biarkan ianya bernanah lagi.
Aku bukannya kedai produk kecantikkan.
Yang menampakkan kejelitaanmu.
Dalam calar itu.
Yang sukakan tawar menawar.
Seperti kolam air tawar.
Tinggalkan percaya itu.
Aku tidak percaya lagi.
Semuanya palsu.
Aku tipu.
Langit tidak akan cerah.
Selagi kau tidak berubah.
Around The Cycling Club
Once in a while.
You are my religion.
There was a way.
To go home now.
Get up and sing it out.
They took it away.
Away from me.
Sleep and don't you cry.
I will sing you a lullaby.
Smile away don't be shy.
I will be home.
And carry you home.
Are you going to be in my dreams tonight?
I will never give you.
In the middle of celebration.
To preach not to preach.
I will a be a long journey.
And in the end.
It will be the same.
Aku bukan lawan.
Aku bukannya curiga.
Hanya timbul tanda tanya.
Aku bukanlah seorang pembesar.
Aku tidak miliki hidung yang tinggi.
Mancung dan tirus ke hadapan.
Aku terpandang ke belakang sejenak.
Melihat dirimu.
Terpampang luas di dalam mimpi.
Apakah yang akan aku tempuhi selepas ini.
Rupanya kawan.
Sekumpulan segerombolan ombak yang tiba.
Aku tenang melaluinya.
Aku sendiri.
Terkenang kembali.
Tiada apa yang akan kekal.
Untuk selamanya.
Ianya datang dan pergi.
Cuma untuk seketika.
Aku berharap ianya akan kembali.
Tapi bila?
Adakah bajumu akan menjadi milik aku?
Adakah gelangmu akan menjadi milik aku?
Adakah dirimu akan menjadi milik aku?
Ataupun jandamu adalah janda aku?
Tidak ingin untuk aku memandang terlalu jauh ke hadapan.
Kerana hari esok belum pasti aku yang punya.
Aku bukanlah siapa-siapa.
Walaupun usia membezakan kita.
Janganlah dirimu menghormati aku seperti ibubapamu.
Kerana aku bukanlah mereka.
Jangan menghormati aku sekiranya aku tidak menghormati dirimu.
Kerana aku tahu.
Aku tahu...
Cinta Itu Pelik
Ada yang bulat.
Ada yang bujur.
Ada yang bersegi tiga.
Ada juga yang bersegi empat.
Ia memang menarik.
Sehingga kau mahu apa yang kau tak mahu.
Sehingga kau tak mahu apa yang kau mahu.
Jangan pernah mengaku kalah.
Walaupun telah kehilangan segalanya.
Bangkitlah semula.
Apa gunanya hidup segan?
Apa gunanya mati tak mahu?
Untuk selama-lamanya.
If You Can't Go On, Just Go...
I am a dreamer.
I am a lover.
You can't break my soul.
You can't break my dreams.
As you move on.
Remember me.
Remember us.
Remember all we used to be.
I've seen you cry.
I've seen you smile.
I know your fears.
You know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we are fine.
You touched my heart.
You touched my soul.
You changed my life.
You changed my goal.
I've been addicted to you.
But now i'm gone.
I got to go looking for another goal.
This is my goodbye kiss.
Will It End? Not For Me!
Now I Tell You,
Love Your Enemies,
Bless Those Who Curse You,
Do Good To Those Who Hate You,
And Pray For Those Who Prosecute You.
God Bless You!
To Die Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure
We accept the love we think we deserve.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
Jangan Jadi Macam Babi!
Aku tahu apa yang kau tahu.
Kau tahu apa yang aku tahu.
Aku mahu apa yang kau mahu.
Kau mahu apa yang aku mahu.
Apa kau tahu?
Apa kau mahu?
Aku tahu.
Aku mahu.
Pelayaran Jiwa Hamba
Jika anda inginkan sesuatu dengan sepenuh hati, di sinilah di mana mimpi dan khayalan boleh menjadi kenyataan.
Selagi hidup berjiwa hamba, pasti tetap dijajah abadi.
Hidup bukan untuk derita.
Derita bukan untuk selamanya.
Jangan takut akan masa depan.
Only If You Hate Me
You are that tall while i'm so small.
I'm not so funny and have no money.
I'm so in trouble and i feel so sorry.
Mary come and go make me feel so lonely.
Are you sure that you are so happy?
If you are not that beautiful, they might be so blind.
Everyday and everynight i booze off to sleep.
Trying to keep what i have but i can't.
Oh well so high above in the sky.
You are young but i don't want to go on the run.
Raiding here and there looking for it.
Looking for something that i don't have.
What for?
We shall plant those flowers by the road.
So the rain can ease the pain.
Please heal me and kill me silently.
No one to be blame.
I'm just a soldier but not a doctor.
An Unidentified Flying Object
Let's fly like the blue bird.
Like waves on the blue sea.
Don't you try to love me.
Cause i will say goodbye.
Don't you say that you like me.
Cause i can't stand next to you.
I just want you to guide me.
So i can fly for free.
I walk alone on the sand field.
Crying for the sunlight.
To eat those funny maggots.
Without any strings against us.
Feeling those wind till today.
To be your friend forever.
Don't you tie me down.
Let us be free.
Threat Of Democrazy?
Sekiranya rakyat memilih mereka, saya akan menerima mereka.
Inilah demokrasi yang sebenar.
Akan tetapi masih ramai yang tidak memahami apakah ertinya demokrasi.
Ini adalah kerana mereka tidak mampu untuk menerima hakikat sebenar.
Apa yang penting?
Akan tetapi bukan untuk mereka.
Perjuangan mereka hanya satu.
Lawan Tetap Lawan?
Let It Go?
Kita dilahirkan sebagai seorang insan yang suci.
Walaupun kelihatan berbogel, terimalah hakikatnya.
Hari-hari yang kita lalui megajar kita apakah ertinya kehidupan.
Pemilihan itulah yang membezakan kita.
Sehingga ada yang bermasam muka.
Hanya kerana pemilihan yang berbeza.
Dari makanan ke pakaian.
Semakin dewasa usia kita, kita seharusnya lebih matang.
Persepsi setiap insan dengan perkataan matang ini turut berbeza.
Ada yang memberi jawapan yang positif dan juga negatif.
Perbuatan kita boleh dipandang hina walaupun diri kita merasakan bahawa ianya tidak.
Hanya paras rupa sahaja yang mampu membezakan kita.
Setiap kesilapan yang kita lakukan seharusnya dijadikan pengajaran untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah.
Ada juga pekerjaan yang dianggap hina di dunia ini.
Menjadi seorang pelacur.
Itu adalah pilihan mereka.
Bukan Senang Untuk Senang.
Bukan Susah Untuk Susah.
Aku Bukan Goblok!
My Silent War
Hanya penglihatanku yang kurang jelas.
Bukanlah diriku yang kurang waras.
Kalau pernah ada kata benci, keluarkanlah.
Jangan biarkan ianya sengsara di dalam sangkarmu.
Memahami seseorang sememangnya tidak semudah itu.
Ini adalah kerana adanya sifat ego dan pendirian setiap insan.
Yang pasti, kita tetap manusia.
Perbezaan pendapat bukanlah kerana perbandingan akan tetapi lumrah kehidupan.
Belajarlah untuk menerima hakikat.
Berubahlah untuk masa hadapan yang berbeza.
Manusia sememangnya hipokrit.
Terlalu hipokrit.
Kadangkala kita akan melakukan kesilapan yang wajar untuk lakukan.
Demi kebaikkan.
Pandangan dari segi keburukkan haruslah dihiraukan untuk mengatasi keputusan yang cemerlang.
Selangkah ke belakang bukan bermaksud kita tewas.
Ia hanyalah demi kebaikkan semua.
Don't Be Humble, You're Not That Great
If there is no war, there will be no peace.
That is what are they looking for.
Hey peeps!
Give Peace A Chance.
That is what are they looking for.
Hey peeps!
Give Peace A Chance.
Happy Man Will Ever Happy Like Me
Hey Man!
Are you happy enough?
Can you call it a day?
And secure your place?
Is it fair to play foul out?
A million question can be ask by others.
Can we answer all of it?
Maybe yes and maybe no.
Is this our fate.
Maybe this is our heaven.
To feel free and easy.
Enjoy our life with the power within.
Even if the time is our limit.
I need to get it straight.
I know you're trying to forget.
What i have said before thee.
He is waiting for me.
To set the fire upon us.
Now i know i'm not.
The one who will end it all.
You know that i have it.
Brighter than the sun.
And lead you all the way.
To have FUN.
Where Is Kampong Glam?
This is what i want.
It's in my soul.
It's what i need.
It's time for us.
Flipping through a thrift store magazine.
Drinking the bottle in my pocket.
I'm gonna make you notice.
That i've been driving without emotion.
Cause i'm gonna make you see.
There's nothing else here.
Stay if you want to stay.
Don't be shy away.
Making up.
Breaking up.
What do you care?
I know that i'm so special.
I got the rhythm.
I got the beat.
Where is your attention?
Give it to me.
Stay if you love me.
Like lovers do.
On your TeeVee screen.
Let's make it for a scene.
It's all i need.
It's Rock 'n' Roll for me.
Oh wake me up! Wake me up!
Confidential Conversation
We're caught in a trap.
I can't walk out.
Why can't you see?
What you're doing to me?
When you don't believe a word i say.
But i'll be back for the special ones.
As you always on my mind.
We can't go on together.
But i'll hold on to it.
And we can't build our dreams.
Without nothing at all.
An old friend of mind do come over.
Drops by to say hello.
Makes me wonder how.
Would i see the star in your eyes.
Here we go again.
When you put a little less conversation.
Asking where i have been.
Can we still survive?
Lets don't let a good thing die in your mind.
You know, You know.
That is the long and winding road for us.
I Am The Prodigal Son
Hey you!
Who are you?
Take my hand.
Let's go home.
Don't be confuse as i have been used.
And the door still open for you.
I forgive you.
We are one.
Prediction Incomplete
Proud of being someone ex?
Not for me.
I leave you because i love you.
I'm affordable but not you.
How big you can be today?
To marry someone.
Someday maybe.
Just sing a song for me tonight.
As you don't need me anymore.
Crossword is like a man and wife.
Cross it and you will win it all on your graduation day.
But not me.
I can't tell you the truth.
Because i know nothing.
How to find a new life?
No, you can't.
This is our life.
The Beatles is The Messenger.
Be Good on Friday.
All the best in your life.
Do You Understand?
It is love that i wish.
Not an empty promise.
I love the knowledge of God.
Not a worthless sacrifice.
First make peace with others.
Then come in peace to the Lord.
My Peace I Give You, In Peace I Leave You
In God alone my soul can find rest and peace.
In God my peace and joy.
Only in God soul can find its rest.
Find its rest and peace.
In your hands i commend my spirit.
By night we wasted.
In darkness to search for living water.
Only our thirst leads us onward.
Dear God
Thank you God for everything.
The big things and the small.
For every good gift comes from God.
The Giver of them all.
And all too often we accept.
Without any thanks or praise.
The gifts God sends as blessings.
Each day in many ways.
And so at this Thanksgiving time.
We offer up a prayer.
To thank you God for giving us.
A lot more than our share.
Thank you for the little things.
That often come our way.
The things we take for granted.
But don't mention when we pray.
The unexpected courtesy.
The thoughtful kindly deed.
A hand reached out to help us.
In the time of sudden need.
Make us more aware oh my dear God.
Of little daily graces.
That come to us with sweet surprise.
From never dreamed of places.
Thank you for the miracles.
We are much too blind to see.
And give us new awareness.
Of our many gifts from Thee.
And help us to remember.
That the key to life and living.
Is to make each prayer a prayer of thanks.
And every day Thanksgiving.
Separation Of Lies
Hold me in your arms
May they keep me
Sing me a lullaby
Cause i'm sleepy
I'm scared you don't need me anymore
Bring me to the light of morning
Take me through this night till the dawning
I see a warning in your eyes
We don't need no valentines
Don't need no roses
Cause it just take me back in time
Now you're not here
Hold me just tonight
Sleep will tend me
Save me from lonely hours
There's so many
I won't get any sleep tonight
When you left me lonely
And i won't drink no aged wine
Now you're not here anymore
Not anymore
Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow
People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all the shit which is not to be ignored.
But what they forget is the pleasure of it.
Otherwise we wouldn't do it.
After all, we're not fucking stupid.
At least, we're not fucking stupid.
Choose your future?
Choose life?
But why would i want to do a thing like that?
I chose not to choose life.
I chose something else.
And the reasons?
There are no reasons.
Who needs reasons when you've got your heroin?
Go and get your life.
I'm back!
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