If Tomorrow Never Comes

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

Cinta Segi Tiga

Pada malam ini, saya telah membaca satu berita sedih yang melanda seseorang.
Atas pemergian orang yang tersayang di dalam hidupnya.
Saya juga mempunyai kisah benar untuk diutuskan.
Ia mengisahkan tentang salah seorang rakan karib saya ketika di kolej.
Saya mengenali Ochihabara ketika saya memasuki tahun kedua di dalam kolej.
Ochihabara telah mengenali seorang gadis ini selama 4 bulan lamanya.
Namun begitu, mereka tidak pernah bertemu.
Kerana permulaan kisah mereka bermula daripada kesilapan mendial nombor oleh gadis tersebut.
Ketika itu si gadis sedang menduduki peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.
Semakin hari semakin rapat hubungan merpati sejoli ini.
Dalam kehidupan memang terdapat naik turun tangga rumah.
Si gadis ini merupakan anak tunggal.
Si gadis ini telah kehilangan kedua-dua ibubapanya pada tahun 2007.
Di masa itulah si gadis ini menduduki peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.
Kehilangan kedua-dua ibubapa gadis tersebut adalah akibat daripada kemalangan ngeri yang menimpa mereka sekeluarga yang menyebabkan gadis tersebut mengalami cedera parah dan doktor telah mengesahkan bahawa si gadis telah mengalami ketumbuhan di bahagian otaknya.
Selepas kemalangan tersebut, si gadis telah ditemani oleh sepupu kepada ibunya yang liar.
Si gadis ini merupakan berasal dari keluarga yang mewah.
Sebelum berpindah ke Malaysia, si gadis ini menetap di Brunei.
Sepupu kepada ibunya itu sebelum ini berasal dari Singapura.
Dengan sifat liarnya sehingga membawa teman lelakinya tidur bersamanya menyebabkan si gadis telah hilang sabar dan telah membuat laporan terhadap JAKIM sehingga JAKIM telah menahan sepupu kepada ibunya dan teman lelakinya dalam kejadian tangkap basah.
Selepas kejadian itu, si gadis telah tinggal di dalam rumah banglo yang terletak di Putrajaya seorang diri.
Si gadis memiliki 2 buah kereta di rumahnya namun begitu si gadis tidak fasih memandu kereta.
Hidup keseorangan menyebabkan si gadis bermesra dengan anak perempuan jirannya yang berusia 13 tahun ketika itu.
Mereka sering bersama dan anak perempuan jirannya itu telah menjadi adik angkat kepada si gadis ini.
Mereka menjadi rapat sehingga mereka berkongsi apa yang mereka ada.
Dari segi minat sehinggalah kisah teman hidup.
Kisah cinta si gadis ini dengan Ochihabara telah pun bermula.
Setelah keputusan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia keluar pada tahun 2008, si gadis ini telah mendapat 11A1 dan merupakan peristiwa bersejarah dalam hidupnya.
Dengan ini Ochihabara telah menjemput gadis ini untuk meraikannya.
Mereka telah berjanji untuk bertemu di KLCC pada bulan 3 2008.
Namun begitu, mereka tidak pernah bertemu.
Ochihabara telah menanti si gadis berjam-jam lamanya.
Ochihabara juga cuba menelefon si gadis namun tiada siapa yang jawab.
Pada malam tersebut, Ochihabara telah menerima sebuah mesej di telefon bimbitnya yang berbunyi "Dia sudah tiada".
Itulah mesej yang dia terima.
Mesej ini telah dikirimkan oleh anak perempuan jiran si gadis tersebut.
Adik angkat gadis tersebut menyatakan bahawa gadis tersebut telah rebah di dalam rumahnya pada hari kejadian.
Adik angkatnya yang telah menemui mayat si gadis tersebut.
Doktor menyatakan bahawa ketumbuhan di dalam otak gadis tersebut telah pecah dan menyebabkan si gadis tersebut telah pergi untuk selama-lamanya.
Adik angkatnya telah menceritakan semua kisah ini terhadap Ochihabara.
Pada keesokkan harinya, Ochihabara ingin berjumpa dengan gadis tersebut buat pertama kalinya dan buat kali terakhir di Hospital Putrajaya namun begitu mayatnya telah di bawa pulang ke Brunei pada malam kejadian.
Kisah cinta yang tidak pernah kesampaian ini telah diceritakan oleh Ochihabara kepada saya sendiri.
Ini adalah salah satu daripada percubaan daripada Tuhan terhadap kita semua.
Semoga roh gadis tersebut diberkati untuk selama-lamanya.

Warkah Terakhir

Ku katakan dengan indah
Dengan terbuka
Berasa hampa
Bagaikan luka menghampirinya
Ku rasa berbeza dan mungkin ianya salah
Mengertikanlah apa yang ku rasa

Kata-katamu hanya mimpi
Di siang hari
Kemarau panjang
Berpanas jua
Berteduh tidak

Kataku bukan mimpi
Di siang hari
Berpanas tidak
Berteduh jua

The Big E

The Hollymood

A silent night.
A holly night.
Not a Holiday.
It's Hollymood.
Keep up the faith.
Through the sky we fly.
Getting high and goodbye.
The earth below us.
Never keep us apart.
From light that shine.
The moon and the star.
That's shining so bright.
Straight away into us.
But yesterday.
It's the sun.
It's goes down to town.
How you feel today?
Let's get into the mood.
It's not Hollywood.
It's Hollymood.

Where Is Walter Collins?

Enough for us to judge all of this.
Is this our fault?
Because of wrong place to vote.
Where the police?
Who are they?
I am sick of them.
Today i got a summon from the police traffic.
As they said i am driving without my seat belt on.
I am using black shirt and black pant.
How they know?
Is this why it takes for a while before they want to give me the ticket?
That's the police.
Do they have the camera to catch the fish?
How about our leader?
The youth the root.
Khairy Jamaluddin.
As some said he is the owner of the company that i work with.
And my company kept on saying that we're not making any profits.
Oil and Gas industry without any profits.
Can you believe that?
That's why my friend called my company as Awan Konspirasi Sdn. Bhd.
Once you involve in politics, everything will mess up with this things.
There we travel to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
Corruption still there.
We know.
But where to move?
When the ballot paper got the serial number.
Once we chose the opposition, no one going to help us in the future.
I mean if they win the race.
So we change it all.
Don't leave another blood to spilled on the floor anymore.
This is The Real Great Depression.

Slow Mode

I'm too busy.
I'm so sorry.

Di Usia Kian Mencabar

Tiada siapa yang tahu.

Last Night

Pada pukul 1.33pagi.
Saya menerima suatu warkah.
Menanyakan khabar.
Di tengah malam yang gelap.
Dengan hujan rintik-rintik membasahi bumi.
Badan saya tetiba merasa lemah.
Bergetar seperti penagih dadah.
Ini bukan kali pertama.
Sejak di Miri ini, ini adalah kali kedua saya mengalaminya.
Sangat sejuk.
Teramat sangat.
Tidak menyangka ianya bukan gurauan senda.
Adakah ia suatu pengajaran.
Pelbagai benda telah saya tempuhi dalam hidup saya selama ini.
Malam tadi sungguh menyeksakan.
Saya bukanlah penagih dadah.
Saya juga tidah pernah menguna dadah dalam hidup saya.
Ubat-ubatan yang halal sahaja saya terima.
Sejenak selepas mengalami kejadian yang buruk itu, tidur saya tidak lagi lena.
Pada suatu detik, saya merasa hairan.
Adakah ini maksudnya.
Mungkin juga mimpi.
Di mana saya berada di dalam sebuah gereja.
Yang ketika itu adalah waktu penyucian dosa dilakukan.
Dan saya duduk di tempat duduk belakang sekali.
Ternampaklah suatu cahaya bagai bara api.
Yang bergerak dengan pantas dari hadapan ke belakang.
Adakah benda ini yang menyebabkan badan saya sebegitu rupa.
Ianya seperti suatu tembakan yang tajam.
Berdosakah saya?
Di alam kolej juga saya pendah mengalami sebegitu rupa.
Tetapi bukan menyebabkan badan saya bergetar.
Ia membuatkan mimpi itu menjadi realiti.
Suatu masa itu, saya di cekik dan tercekik ketika berada di dalam gereja.
Ia adalah kerana saya mengikuti orang yang salah dalam kehidupan itu.
Sebelum saya tidur ketika itu juga saya telah terbayang sesuatu bermain di luar tingkap.
Ia seperti suatu yang hidup.
Sebelum itu juga saya pernah mengalami situasi yang agak serious bagi saya.
Pertama kali menjejakkan kaki ke kolej.
Saya membuka kitab Bible hadiah daripada seorang rakan yang berasal dari Johor.
Di dalam kitab tersebut tertulis 'Janganlah anda sesekali bersumpah atas nama TUHAN' dan di dalam mimpi saya itu saya terlah bersumpah atas nama TUHAN.
Ini membuatkan saya sungguh berdosa.
Saya terbangun lalu pergi berjumpa dengan teman saya.
Mereka berfikiran terbuka dan menyatakan ini adalah Nur ataupun Cahaya pemberian TUHAN.
Adalah sesuatu yang sungguh mengejutkan diri saya.
Dan membuat saya berasa takut.
Benda ini tidak kita lihat tetapi ianya terjadi.
Berpegang teguh la terhadap Rukun Negara yang pertama duhai kawanku.

The Beautiful Lifes of Lies

How beautiful you are?
Is that what you got?
Not shown with all those overflowing water.
Drink some milk.
Make you shines.
That's not all of it.
You got it and you will.
Never ending story.
Lies of Lifes.
I wonder why there still lies over our lifes.
Our beauty.
Not shown to anyone with the look.
It's actually depend on how we turn on our life.
Is that who you are?
Is it the truth after all.
This will make you beautiful even when you're not.
Not the appearance when on the line.
Also the other side of them.
Who are they?
Who we are?
Carry the weapon in yourself.
Make yourself proud of it.
The end.

Swine Flu

The Israelian versus The Palestinian.
And now The Palestinian keep on silent.
Where are you silent night?
I want to kill you.
Can i?
Bang Bang You're Dead.

Bad English With Bad Religion

Fuck the machine.
Cut the machine head.
Here the Motorhead.
My English too bad for the good ones.
Swine swing on the see saw.
Any topics?

Zee Avi and Her Stuff

Zee Avi is just 23 but she’s an old soul. A huge talent in a petite frame bringing a universal message from the unlikely birthplace of Borneo, an ancient island east of Malaysia which remains an untouched, natural paradise, an apt description of her songs.

How Avi came to record her debut album in L.A., the first joint release from Ian Montone’s Monotone Label and Jack Johnson’s Brushfire Records, is a true 21st century tale of the way the Internet has transformed the music business and shrunk the globe in the process.

Born in the tiny town of Miri in Sarawak on the island of Borneo, Zee grew up near the South China Sea in a liberal, encouraging household where her father owned an energy consultancy. “I was bred to be a lawyer,” she says, but music was in her blood. Her father’s father sang and played double-bass, accordion, violin and guitar in bands.

At age 12, Zee moved from Borneo to Kuala Lumpur where she has been based since. At 17, Zee started locking herself in a room for hours on end to learn to play guitar. Guitar took a back seat for 4 years while she was studying fashion design in London. When she returned to Kuala Lumpur, she picked the instrument back up and began writing songs and performing with a band.

Zee began recording her songs on a webcam and posting them on YouTube for a friend to hear. “I remember getting so excited when there was one new comment from some random person I didn’t know… One read ‘I’m lost for words - I shall favorite it and ponder if that’s OK’ ”, which was written by Kris Rowley, a U.K. singer-songwriter with a YouTube following under the name Zzzzzzzzap. He began posting her videos on his site, which began a viral snowball effect.

The day before her 22nd birthday, Zee posted what she intended to be “my last video”, a holiday song, “No Christmas for Me”. By the time she checked her e-mail Avi had almost 3,000 messages including a slew of label offers. One email came from Ian Montone, who had been shown the YouTube clip by Raconteurs’ drummer, Patrick Keeler, prompting Montone to get in touch and offer to release her music on the Monotone Label.

Before she knew it Zee was on a plane to L.A. to record her debut with producer Robert Carranza at Brushfire’s Solar Powered Plastic Plant. “No Christmas for Me” was then featured on the holiday charity album, This Warm December, A Brushfire Holiday, Vol. 1.

With an eclectic pool of influences that range from such eccentrics as Cat Power, Regina Spektor, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Jolie Holland, Daniel Johnston and Chris Garneau, to jazz greats Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald, to classics like Velvet Underground and Led Zeppelin, this self-described “rock lover at heart” captures the dark, bittersweet qualities of romance with a crack left open for hope and optimism.

From the sensuous scat singing on “Honey Bee” to the sultry break-up song, “Is This the End”, recalling the existential longing of Peggy Lee’s “Is That All There Is”, Zee is hopeful of finding love, but equally aware of lurking heartache.

The songs on Zee Avi’s debut are about an outsider’s desire to belong and the tentative hope of moving on, filled with regret and loss, but boasting an impish, worldly wise sensibility. “I tend to be a loner,” she nods. ‘Honey Bee’ is about a romance between two nonconformists who are different from the rest of the hive, and are trying to avoid the pressure to be like everybody else.”

“Just You and Me”, the first song she wrote on ukulele, has a 20’s New Orleans swing jazz vibe.

“I get my melodic feel from the simplicity of classic jazz, people singing what they felt with straightforward lyrics and not too many harmonies”, Zee says. “Just a lot of honesty. I’m a girl of simple pleasures.”
The elemental acoustic guitar of “Story of…” is enhanced with an Eno-like ambience that add to its shimmering quality, while “Poppy” is autobiographical “with a little bit of poetic license” that looks back at the demise of a two-year relationship.

“My stuff is pretty dark,” Zee admits. “Most of my songs are about the reality side of romance, outlets to vent my emotions.”

While her live experience amounts to playing gigs in Kuala Lumpur, Zee appeared this January on From the Basement, the U.K. TV webcast/broadcast that has featured Radiohead’s Thom Yorke, Damien Rice, the White Stripes and the Shins. From the Basement will also air on the U.S.’s IFC Channel.

From Malaysia to Los Angeles, Zee Avi is enjoying the ride and ready to take on passengers. “I’m still pinching myself” she gushes. “My parents always told me it’s important to keep yourself grounded. I’m thankful, but at the same time, I just want to jump through the roof. It’s been a pretty amazing journey, getting to work with some really wonderful people, a blessing, really.”

Zee Avi’s Monotone/Brushfire Records debut returns that blessing…and then some.

Monotone Records is owned by Ian Montone, whose Monotone, Inc. manages the White Stripes, M.I.A., The Shins, Vampire Weekend, the Raconteurs, Against Me!, Cold War Kids, Crookers, among others.

Brushfire Records is owned by Jack Johnson and his manager Emmett Malloy and is home to artists like Rogue Wave, Matt Costa, Neil Halstead, Money Mark, G. Love, Mason Jennings, ALO and Zach Gill.

Cass McCombs

Anyone know him.
I've stumble upon a wall here.
Domino Record always the best to give you the best.
Last few days, me and Pearl talking about the music.
Youtube the place.
Cause i love the live ones.
Not the fake ones.
Sure people here will say that Liyana Jasmay too bad.
For me too.
I do listen to Snow Patrol.
Leona Lewis do the cover there.
Open up your ear for Zee Avi too.
From Miri move to Kuala Lumpur.
United Kingdom she goes.
Now a record deal with Brushfire Records.
The States.
I found Cass McCombs.
With the Country sound.
Here the video.

Dreams Come True Girl.
Is this the fate.
Can we change it?
Can we?

My Single

My word speak my mind.
The word keep us stay.
Remind me of everyting.
Too formal here.
This single not my song.
Still doing my new ones.
People hard to understand the situation here.
I mean my music and my sound.
I love Coldplay.
Only the music here.
Not the word.
Try to make the investment.
Hollymood just to see how my mood going on.
Is it okay or not?
How about you there.
I prefer to do all the song in the album to be single.
But, i still don't know what it is.
Like Butterfingers.
Do what they want.
But i'm not Kurt Cobain fan.
You speak what you see.
I still remember Butterfingers.
They said they don't do music in Malay.
So fuck off.
Same as Najib Altantuya.
Racism for him.
Fuck The Government.

Pay Per View

This is not The Borneo Post.
Not a Lamp Post.
Not Post Hardcore music.
Not a Post Office too.
Maybe it is where you stop by and say goodbye.
This is the Hollymood.
Back before the Hollywood.
As the place too far from us.
But Hollymood is a place like no other.

The Pokerface

Pokerface by Meryl Pearl Gallon and Them.

I'm not into Lady Gaga music.
But here the cover from Meryl.
You judge what you got.

I'm Working

William Trainor asked me.
What are you doing?
I'm sleeping.
Oh sleeping beauty.

Carl asked me.
What are you doing?
I'm doing your job.
What the fuck are you doing with my job?
I want to be an engineer like you too.
What i'm gonna do then?
Just do your work.
That's life.

Hey You!

Stop pushing around.
Don't drew my word your bold fucking whore.

The Working Class Heroes

Why are you so fat?
Because i'm fat.
Why are you so thin?
Because i'm handsome.
Thin people just like the lamp post aite.
Nothing special.
I'm fat and got the cushion to protect the love ones.
How it's look like eyh?
It's look like you.
Only you.
You got me or not?
Or you just a wankers?
Not you?
So shut up your fucking mouth.
Listen to me.
I want to sing a song for you.
I don't want to listen to your voice.
Just like shit.
Oh shit.
Those shit makes gas for us.
Are you stupid?
I'm not.
Who stupid then?
Who are they?
They Will Kill Us All.
But why?
Because we so stupid.
Are we?

It's Not The First Time

Life of a musician.
Struming the guitar.
Keep up with the key.
I've started with my piano class.
Trying to learn more.
The tune or the tone.
Is it the same?
I'm not that rich.
Try to be one but i can't.
I live in kL before.
Set up a new life.
To see the whole world.
Have a drink.
Love to be alone.
Got the freedom.
Feel the music in the air.
I listen to the soft one.
In to the pop.
I do it pop up.
I'm not a clubber.
I ever went to Zouk.
Nothing there.
Anywhere you go, it's still the same.
I don't dance.
I've caught in the middle of nowhere.
My night at The Starhill.
Having my cigar.
Listen to the music.
Anyone into it?
Mia Palencia?
I went to hear d sound at Miri International Jazz festival 2009.
I've been trying so hard for Penang ones before.
Just that i'm too busy with others.
Making money.
Trying to survive those days.
While i'm study, i'm still working.
I'm not that rich.
I'm just a working class hero.
Everyting worth it.
Don't mess with it.

Breaking The Habit

Three of us went out that night.
Just to see how wild the night is.
Got the front seat near the entrance.
Order some beer.
Beer just like a plain water for me.
Try out the new ones.
Looking for the best.
See all the women around us.
Good from the outside.
With the fresh air.
But how about the inner of them?
Are they the same?
Caught two glass of beer and hanging around.
To see how smart they are.
The truth is, they still the same.
Open up your mind.
I saw this old lady.
Must be married already.
Stumble with an old man.
Businessman maybe.
Come from separate car.
Sit in one chair.
Who are they?
Sure this one what we called scandalous.
Married and divorced.
Is that the truth?
Getting wild on the hot chair.
Do you see what i see.
I'm having cigar here.
Who am i?
I am what i am.

Yes Or No

Fill in the blank with YES or No.

_____, i am a PIG.

What is your answer?

Harap Maaf

Terima kasih.

Rule of Law

Kugan Death By The Malaysian Police


Many says

Democracy before
Is a government of the people
By the will of the people
For the people
But to many people
Fooled by other people
It's a government to off the people
To buy the people and

Fear the people
And this defines democrazy
Of crazy people to off the people
Buy the will of the people
And fear the people

Government must be sensitive enough
To respect the will of the people
For democracy to be always
A government
Of the people
By the people
For the people

By Melvin Banggollay

Are You A Virgin?

Mencipta Sebuah Kedamaian

Berjuta-juta wajah bermain di depan mata.
Sebuah penderitaan tanpa akhirnya.
Demi mencipta kedamaian.
Berbicara bagaikan mentari.
Tangisan didengari.
Demi insan-insan yang menyedari.
Langkah hidup selama ini telah hancur.
Ranap, runtuh dan terhapus.
Warna-warni kehidupan kita.
Hanya impian kita bersama.
Bila kita di puncak.
Dimanakah kedamaiannya?
Hidup selama ini telah terhapus disebalik senyuman kita.
Dimiliki oleh mereka dan bukan kita.
Bila mereka mencari.
Kita telah pergi untuk selamanya.
Tanpa sebarang alasan.
Beginilah caranya.
Sempurna di depan mata.
Walau dengan putih dan hitam menceriakan hidup ini.
Mereka punya cerita.
Dan masih bukan kita.
Kita hanya mampu menyaksikan.
Dengan kata-kata lumrah dunia.
Walaupun terpampang di depan muka.
Di mana datangnya kita.
Menanti berita yang kian senja.
Inilah perbezaan di antara kita.
Ada segalanya.
Diharapkan semua ini akan berakhir.
Dengan tanpa jawapan.
Inilah waktunya.
Untuk membuka mata.
Melihat dunia.
Semua harapan telah terhapus.
Semasa kita menderita.
Walau ada yang mengerti.
Yang kita bersalah.
Sungguh bersalah.
Tiba waktunya.
Kita berpisah.
Meninggalkan dunia yang kesepian.
Tanpa riak wajah yang ceria.
Mencari kenyataan.
Untuk meneruskan hidup kita.
Inilah impian kita.
Demi mencipta sebuah kedamaian.